Cheese Moulding and Pressing Tips for at Home Cheese Making
Posted by Steve Shapson on 21st Jul 2016
When it comes to the final steps in your home cheese making process, the last thing you want to do is fall short of a proper end result due to a small slip up. Cheesemaking from home is simple with the right tools and procedure. Whether you’re a beginner, an improviser, or an expert in artisan cheese making, we’ve got tips that will help leave you with the perfect mould and press the first time around!
Cheese Making Moulds and Hoops
Moulds and hoops are used to shape and consolidate your cheese curds, leaving you with the size and form you desire. There are various molds based on the length and width you’d like your resulting cheese to be. The moulds are left open on one or both ends and may contain holes to allow for easy drainage. With varying moulds, come varying cheeses. Depending on what type of cheese you want to make, you’ll want a mould to match. Hoops are left open at each end to allow for turning them over for even draining.
Cylindrical Moulds and Hoops
These are perfect for making a batch of cheese that you wish to split and share. The proportion for a mould or hoop of this shape and size will leave you with a smaller amount. There are two variations: short and wide or tall and thin.
Bottomless Moulds and Hoops
A bottomless mould or hoop is great for exceeding a specific length. Without any limits on the top or bottom, there’s no say as to how long your cheese may be.
Basket Moulds
These can be considered dual serving moulds as they will shape and condense your cheese all while draining whey out its small pores on the sides and bottom.
Cheese Making Presses
Together, cheese moulds and presses will leave you with a consistency and shape you’re in search of when all is complete. Once you’ve used a mould to shape your cheese, the use of a press will help apply pressure and weight, helping to knit the curds(close the knit). The capacity of cheese and milk will determine what size press you’ll need. Common capacities will range from two to six gallons.
Dutch Style Press and Spring Loaded Press
Moulding and pressing your cheese will result in the perfect end result every time as long as you’re able to decipher the difference in characteristics for height to width and surface to mass between various cheeses you may be making. It’s important to understand that not every cheese will be moulded and pressed the same. To assure your final product has the components necessary for shaping and draining, visit our website.